Think Tank update for February 2022

We’re really pleased to have made real strides in the Think Tank this month. We’re building and testing our maps, finding new people to connect and collaborate with and building in public to encourage and inspire others.

[Previous update here]

Maps so far

We have created a shared map that links to all the Think Tank maps so far, including contest winners:


This map is still a work in process, and we’re interested in adding more research resources and tutorials so that as much useful information is available for other educators and enthusiasts as possible.


Contest 1

The winner of our first Think Tank mapmaking contest was Nikki Rohlfing, who made a really impressive map to help with the teaching of math(s). The team were very impressed with the level of interactivity in the map, as well as the effort in explaining how to use Gather to students. You can access the map here:


Runners up:

We had a lot of really high quality submissions, so some honorable mentions go to:

David’s Sternberg virtual museum and virtual fossil hunting maps

and Alex’s map with the Erasmus School of Law to teach Intellectual Property law

Contest 2

Applications to the second contest closed on the 20th February, and the theme is “Your Dream Learning Environment”. We have made this contest as accessible and fair as possible, with a limit of the total number of tiles to discourage people reusing old maps.

The winner of this contest is Kilian, with an awesome map using genially in an innovate way to teach design thinking.

Build in Public